25 Lessons in Year 25

I figured it was about time I share my 25 lessons and words of advice from year 25, so here they are in no particular order and without excessive explanations. I’ve gone through a lot of growth and change in the past year — so buckle up buttercup! Here’s my letter to myself that I 100% plan to read next year.

Dear Andrea,

I’m so proud of you. It’s been a year of GROWTH + stepping into who you are. Get it girl! Cheers to year #26! Here’s my top 25 lessons/memories/somewhat stories from 26.

  1. It’s 100% okay to discontinue things that are no longer serving you, even when it feels impossible to shift.

  2. You don’t need a lot of friends, a few in your close circle is truly who you need.

  3. Your passions are your passions, even if they’re not ‘trendy’ or ‘cool.’

  4. It’s perfectly normal for your spouse to be your best friend and #1 supporter, yet biggest pain in the ass at times. They should be!

  5. You can learn about anything you set your intentions into learning about — even crops.

  6. It’s perfectly acceptable to move out of toxic friendships/relationships.

  7. Not everyone around you truly wants to see you succeed. Most do, but be careful who share your secrets, joy and life with.

  8. You can indeed work with your dad, even on the hard days. The time spent will become your favorite.

  9. Launching big/scary/new things is possible, even when it feels absolutely impossible in the beginning.

  10. It is possible to fall back in love with fitness after feeling burnt out for so long.

  11. You still don’t need a 9-5 to support yourself + build your dreams. Be damn proud of that boo.

  12. Keep loving on Moonlight. I truly hope she’s here next year so you can keep making reels & tiktoks and taking all the selfies. {oooof.. tears}

  13. Holding your own in the industry would make younger you damn proud.

  14. Oh, by the way.. you also drive tractors quite often now and do it like a boss.

  15. You’re still out there stretching yourself thin. Remember to give yourself a break too.

  16. Reaching out for help is essential for thriving businesses + having a life as an entrepreneur. I’m sure you’ll still be an enneagram 8 about it, but try. Maybe hire that cleaning lady you’ve been thinking about forever… because you still haven’t.

  17. It’s still 1000000000% cool to have your own timeline for life, ain’t no rush!

  18. Remember to still make time for the things you love — riding horse, time outdoors, hanging with Nathan, unplugging from social, etc.

  19. You’re still not a great housekeeper, but hey — it’s gotten better. Maybe next year right?

  20. The community you have online (especially Instagram) is 100000000% worth showing up daily.

  21. Even when you struggle, you’re still making progress towards new levels of success, happiness, growth, etc.

  22. Keep paving the path you want to pave. You’re crushing it, even when it’s hard as hell.

  23. You’ve started eating SO many more calories than a year or two ago. 1200>2500 this summer is huge. That’s growth and freedom baby! Plus #GAINZ

  24. Sunsets in the pasture will fix any hard day. Always.

  25. Sharing what feels scary/hard/nerve-wracking is always the best ‘you’ content and community connector. Bend that line and stay true to you.

I’m so proud of you.

Social stats for funsies:

Instagram: 35.5k

TikTok: 28.2k

YouTube: 175

Twitter: 575

Facebook page: 2070

Personal: 3.6k followers

Maybe you’ll give up one of these next year LOL.


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