It’s January 9 and I’m finally in a mental space that I can share + truly reflect on 2022. (Also a part of ringing in the New Year sicker than a dog LOL)

2022 was a year for me.

Heck, 2022 was a year for everyone in my family.

It was a really great year, but it was also a year that I went through a lot of growth and experienced a lot of things that challenged me to adapt and change.

I told y’all almost exactly a year ago that I was going to say no to things that were no longer serving me in 2022 and leave space/energy for things that aligned with my vision and what I truly love.

I knew it was going to be an adventure with challenges.

& that’s exactly what happened in 2022.

I’m damn proud of 2022, but I’m not done in this season of ‘growth,’ in fact.. I feel like I’m in the middle of it still.

Maybe it’s just the fact that I’m 26 and still ‘figuring out life,’ but I don’t believe we should ever stop growing as humans either.

A year+ ago, I was really struggling with my fitness journey. It had been my saving grace since 2016, but in 2021 a shift happened and I didn’t feel like my journey was for me anymore — it felt like it was for everyone else.

I was in a very low space. I knew I needed to step away, but I was nervous and pushed it off for a while. I built my Instagram account on a lot of fitness & real talk —with agriculture of course, so how could I just change like that? It felt like part of my identity as ’That Fit Agvocate’ online.. but I had to do it. I took a deep breath and went for it. It was about time that I took my own advice and put myself first.

It’s perfectly okay to PIVOT. We are always evolving as humans. Ain’t nobody that can put me in a box. Life’s too dang short to be in a box. I’m an enneagram 8, it doesn’t work like that.

I’m still ‘@thatfitagvocate,’ but I’m also Andrea. I will forever #KeepItReal and share a splash of fitness because it is a piece of who I am, it’s just in a different aspect now.

The best part of this PIVOT? It’s January 9, 2023 and I can finally tell you that I’m back in a place where my workouts FUEL me and benefit my mental health most days — and DAMN, does it feel FREAKING GREAT.

On top of that shift, it’s been a heck of a year with the farm and my family. We have been trying to figure out a way to expand so my husband and I can join in with my parents, but it’s been a challenge with land prices and honestly, the lack of land for sale. Renting isn’t in the cards either with prices and other issues. SOO, we built the new barn and have more than doubled our cow herd so far. Calving season is upon us in just over a month and let me tell you how freaking PUMPED I am! Moonlight is having one last calf and I’m crossing my fingers it’s a little heifer calf. (I know I’ll cry.. already replaying it in my head.. oops)

On top of the new barn and more cows, learned SO much more about crops + got involved with harvest this year and was honored to be on #TeamNK this fall to share all about harvest. I’m excited to continue that into 2023 and learn even more as we prepare for planting, spraying and harvest all over again. Who’s that? Oh, it’s Andrea… ENJOYING PLANTS. Who would have thought right?! Don’t worry, cows are still my all time favorite… that won’t change! ;)

Heading into 2023, I have business goals of course. I’m not going to bore you with all of the details. Here the jist: making money doing what I love, paying off debt, BUILD OUR HOME, host a retreat (GAHHHH I’M SO FREAKIN EXCITED TO WORK ON THIS!) and work with a 1 of my dream companies, speak at 3 events + more… all while also spending LESS time on my phone. Pretty pumped to pour a lot of my energy into YouTube this year too.

In my personal life? I want to have a lot of FUN this year.

It can be a challenge online with the comparison game and because a good portion of my income comes from sharing online — whether that’s brand partnerships, my merch, affiliate links, etc. (ALSO, thank you for always being in my corner & supporting me while I get to share what I love every single day… farming, cows, AGRICULTURE!)

So in 2023, I’m going to spend a lot more time sharing for FUN, not just doing the trendy stuff because I feel like I have to. I need that creative outlet and it’s not been ‘vibin’ lately.. so that’s a big goal in 2023. Fun and being a regular human online while I continue to advocate for agriculture and share the ins & outs every single day.

I plan to experience new places and adventures with Nathan, unplugged. We’ve got Mexico in March (yes, he gets to see the ocean again bahaha) + a potential trip to Montana/Wyoming in May and NFR 2023 in VEGAS! Quality time was one of my biggest wins in 2022 and that’s going to continue into 2023. Life’s too short to not have that with your people.

That’s just a little of what’s on my heart in the first 9 days of the year.

THANK YOU for being a part of my journey this year. Thank you for reading this far. It means a lot.

Do you have big goals and visions for 2023?

Are you just going to keep on keepin’ on?

Where’s your mindset at?

I’d love to support you this year in anyway possible. Thanks for being here, friend!

- Andrea


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